Please accept my humblest apologies for my language, but I've a VIP who is simply asking to have the 'Remove from folder' function in his mail template button/action bar [the one above his Inbox view, which is associated with the folder icon] removed so he doesn't accidentally hit it again for the 11teenth time, and I have no idea where that sucker is, nor how to purge it using the Designer client.
Can someone very kindly point me to the right location so I can remove it from the button bar, please?
Thanks in advance!
Feedback number AAYA7YENFD created by ~Ned Elniverakoi on 12/04/2009
Status: Closed
Comments: I found what I was looking for, it's in the Code section, under Shared Actions. Thanks!
Where is this %$#@ Function in the ... (~Sanjay Fezjumi... 4.Dec.09)
. . it's in the ($Inbox) folder design (~James Preresas... 6.Dec.09) |