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~Rex ZennumarlenGeorge Dwoniver 8.Nov.09 08:21 AM a Web browser Applications DevelopmentAll ReleasesAll Platforms
Ive been using Ext JS for some time now and it works very well together with Domino. Others use Dojo or other frameworks for their stuff, but i think this question is relevant for all of us.
Since all Lotus Notes users are used to browsing their documents in views, they often request this in their webbed apps to. right?. This might not seem like a big problem since we have a frameworks generating our views beatifully for us. but i often have to handle very large SEARCH results, say 2000 and more...This is where the problem starts.
I make these searches with ajax calls to a domino agent that searches the ftindex of the database and returns a notesdocumentcollection wich is then printed out as JSON . Problem is that the results from a ftindex search are returned unsorted. And i often want them sorted on a specific field, so the notesdocumetcollection needs to be resorted every time.The result must also handle pagination (start and count) , so i need to sort the entire notesdocumentcollection just to be able to return 50 rows of JSON. This causes serious performance issues even on very fast servers.
So whats the alternatives?
Find a quicker sorting algorithm for notesdocumentcollections?
Maybe...but its a short time solution.What if the result is 20 000 documents
*Searching with views?
No.. The result are not sorted by field, sorting 4 doesnt work with start and count parameters.
*Export my documents to SQL and use this a a fake index?
Maybe..anyone tried this? (i like the idea)
*Google Search Appliance
There seems to be a box you could buy that indexes domino content, but i dont know i i could query this with my own calls from Ajax. Anyone tried this approach?
*Other 3rd party full text indexer Domino
Please share your knowledge about those.
*Ask IBM to include a sortby parameter that actually sorts the result from the ftindex search?
Its a miracle that it isnt there. And im not very hopeful it will turn up anytime soon.
Please help me get a discussion started on this matter. We need a solid future proof way to access large amount of sorted data from Domino.