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~Vanessa BreresalyliHolly Cisaburakoi 23.Feb.10 06:36 PM a Web browser Domino Designer7.0.3Windows XP
I have a function where I have passed the collection vc,
some how the doc is nothing, yet i am setting it.. and this time there are 5 entries in the vc
Function CreateRepport(vc) As Variant
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Dim entry As NotesViewEntry
Dim range As Variant
Dim TheCellCounter As Integer
Dim workbooks As Variant
Dim numrecs As Double
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim Ws As New NotesUiWorkspace
Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
Set entry = vc.GetFirstEntry
While Not entry Is Nothing
Set Doc = entry.Document
TheCellCounter = TheCellCounter + 1
Total = Total + Doc.Debit(0)
'get the next record
Set entry = vc.GetNextEntry(entry)