you may want to add users to match your organization, and load them quickly into IBM Connections on the Quickstart. If you don't need to load the users with mail, this is the series of steps for you, if you do need to load the users with Mail, you should use the separate registration process.
Navigate to
Enter user name - qsiadmin
Enter password - ${YOUR_ADMIN_PASSWORD}
Click Login
Click People & Groups
Expand Domino Directories > Renovation's Directory > People > By Organization
Click Add Person (this does not create a mail file for this user)
Enter a First name - Joe
Enter a Last Name - Blogs
Enter User Name -
Joe Blogs/Renovations
Joe Blogs
Enter a short name - jblogs
Enter an internet address -
Click Enter Password
Enter a password - sample1
Click OK
Click Work/Home
Enter Manager - Frank Adams/Renovations
Click Administration
Look for Client Information
Enter LTPA user name - CN=Joe Blogs/O=renovations/O=renovations
(it needs to match your User Name)
Click Save and Close (*its at the top of the menu bar in the person doc)
***Once you've created all your users / person documents in domino ***
Connect to your system via SSH
(*for the 2.0 build)
cd /local/qsi/bin/con
sudo ./
(*for the june 28 build)
cd /local/qsi/con/
sudo ./
Navigate to
search for Joe Blogs
Do you see him? You should he's now loaded.