Notes/Domino Fix List
SPR # BBSZ98UKRVFixed in 9.0.1; 8.5.3 FP6 release

Product Area: Server Technical Area: Database Platform: Cross Platform

Lotus Customer Support APAR: LO75884

SPR# BBSZ98UKRV - Copy-style-compact creates a new NSF and populates it. If an NSF is created after the DIT is repopulated, while the secondary DOI is being created, but before it is swapped in, the refcount increments will be lost. The new DIT entry is created in SYNCHRONIZED state, the refcounts are added to the primary DOI, and the later ticket scan processing skips it because of the DIT state. The fix is to add new entries as PENDING RESYNC unless the overall catalog state is SYNCHRONIZED. Likely originated in 8.5.2 resync improvements.

Technote Number: 1646418

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Last Modified on 06/20/2014

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