Notes/Domino Fix List
SPR # DCOE5M2RRSFixed in 6.0.3 releaseRegression in 6.0

Product Area: Client Technical Area: Client UI Platform: Cross Platform

SPR# DCOE5M2RRS - Fixed a problem where the Form Formula was observed when composing a new document even though the view does not have focus. This problem was introduced in 6.0.

Technote Number: 1112369

This issue was reported to Lotus Software Quality Engineering and was addressed
in Notes domino 6.0.3 and 6.5.

Excerpt from the Lotus Notes and Domino fix list

Fixed a problem where the Form Formula was observed when composing a new
document even though the view does not have focus. This problem was introduced
in 6.0.

As a workaround for versions 6.0 through 6.0.2, open a view which does not have
a Form Formula prior to calling the EditDocument method.

For example:

Using the sample code from above one would add the additional lines noted to
open the All view (which as designed without a Form Formula):

Dim s As New notessession
Dim w As New notesuiworkspace
Dim db As Notesdatabase
Dim col As Notesdocumentcollection
Dim doc As Notesdocument
Dim uidoc As Notesuidocument
Dim uidb As notesuidatabase 'additional code
Dim uiview As notesuiview 'additional code

Set db=s.currentdatabase
Set col=db.alldocuments
Set doc=col.getfirstdocument

Set uidb = w.CurrentDatabase 'additional code
Call uidb.OpenView("All") 'additional code
Set uidoc=w.editdocument(False, doc)
Call uidb.OpenView("All") 'additional code
Set uiview = w.CurrentView 'additional code
Call uiview.close() 'additional code
'NOTE: Notes 5 does not contain a have a Close method and the above line will
cause 'an error from a Notes 5.

Additional workaround for @Command Compose functionality:
While it is expected that the @Command Compose function will obey the Form
Formula of the previously opened view, you can also work around this by opening
a view which does not contain a Form Formula prior to composing the new

For example:

In this case the view All does not have a Form Formula. The code below will
compose the document based on the Form "FormName":

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Last Modified on 03/03/2010

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