Notes/Domino Fix List
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SPR # JCAL6KWRVW | Fixed in 7.0.2 release | Security fix |

Product Area: Client Technical Area: Roaming user Platform: Cross Platform
Lotus Customer Support APAR: LO12045

SPR# JCAL6KWRVW - Under certain conditions, a roaming user that has a password that does not meet custom password requirements was not prompted to change their password when opening the Notes client.

Technote Number: 1228362

This issue was reported to Quality Engineering and has been fixed in Lotus
Notes 7.0.2.
Excerpt from the Lotus Notes and Lotus Domino Release 7.0.2 MR fix list
(available at
Security fix
SPR# JCAL6KWRVW - Under certain conditions, a roaming user that has a password
that does not meet custom password requirements was not prompted to change
their password when opening the Notes client.
Refer to the Upgrade Central site for details on upgrading Notes/Domino.
To work around the issue, ensure that the user has more than one Location
document in their local names.nsf. When there is only one Location document,
the user will not receive the prompt to change their password. More >

Last Modified on 12/07/2013
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