Notes/Domino Fix List
SPR # DBRO5J8JS9Fixed in 6.0.2; 6.0.1 CF2 releaseRegression in 6.0

Product Area: Designer Technical Area: Design Platform: Cross Platform

SPR# DBRO5J8JS9 - Fixed reported slower server performance when running scheduled agents and replicating, due to document updates occurring after upgrading to R6. This has been fixed in 6.0.2 and 6.0.1 CF2.

Technote Number: 1108035

This issue was eported to Lotus Software Quality Engineering, and was addressed
in Notes/Domino 6.0.1 CF2 (and above).

Excerpt from the Lotus Notes and Domino Release 6.0.1 CF2 fix list (available


SPR# DBRO5J8JS9 - Fixed reported slower server performance when running
scheduled agents and replicating, due to document updates occurring after
upgrading to R6.

You have to remove the FIELD statement in order for the agent to run properly
in Notes/Domino 6.x.

Supporting Information:

In Notes/Domino 5.x and all releases prior, if all field calculations result in
no effective change to a document, that document is left unmodified (no change
in modification date or anything else -- just like it had never been touched).
Using this effect is often easier than manually selecting only the documents
you want to run the agent on, or creating a new view containing only those
documents that you want the agent to affect. You simply run your agent on all
documents. If changes are needed, they are made by the agent. If not, the
document is left alone. The process of running the agent on many "extra"
documents that don't fit the agent criteria is also quite fast since they do
not require a document write.

Simple example using a formula agent:

FIELD Status := "Open" ;

In R5 and below, if you run this agent on a document without a Status field or
where Status != "Open", the document is changed. If the Status is already
"Open", the document is not modified in any way.

In Notes 6, the document is modified, even if the Status is already "Open".
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Last Modified on 03/03/2010

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