Notes/Domino Fix List
SPR # ECAR5E2Q66Fixed in 6.5.5 releaseTemplate fix: mail6.ntf, mail6ex.ntf

Product Area: Client; Template Technical Area: Mail Client Platform: Cross Platform

Lotus Customer Support APAR: LO02967

SPR# ECAR5E2Q66 - Return Receipt checkbox was incorrectly checked when the Delivery Information dialog box is launched. This problem has been fixed in 6.5.5.

Technote Number: 1173977

This issue has been reported to Quality Engineering and has been fixed in Notes
Excerpt from the Lotus Notes and Domino Release 6.5.5 MR fix list (available at

Mail Client
SPR# ECAR5E2Q66 - Return Receipt checkbox was incorrectly checked when the
Delivery Information dialog box is launched. This problem has been fixed in

Refer to the Upgrade Central site for details on upgrading Notes/Domino.
The issue can occur when the sender of the message is using a Notes 6.x mail
template, but the receiver is using a Notes 5.x mail template (or vice versa).
To work around the issue, upgrade the Notes 5.x mail template to the Notes 6.x
mail template.

Supporting Information:
Under normal circumstances this issue will not affect functionality as no
return receipt was requested and none is sent. The message only shows the
return receipt delivery option as selected in the Notes 5 template. It can
impact any formulas, agents or LotusScripts that you may have configured if
they check for a return receipt flag however.
Additional Information - cause of issue:
In the Notes 6 mail template (MAIL6.NTF), a "ReturnReceipt" field with a value
of zero (not enabled) is added to the memo on send. This field is not added in
the Notes 5 mail template (MAIL5.NTF). The Notes 5 template Delivery Info
subform checks for the existence of a ReturnReceipt field, but does not
actually check the value. If the field is present, the Notes 5 mailfile
considers a return receipt option to have been selected. The Notes 6 template
specifically checks the ReturnReceipt value instead of just checking for the
field's existence.

The tmpRecipientInfo field in the Notes 5 template calculates the Return
Receipt Delivery information as follows:


While the Notes 6 template has the tmpRecipientInfo field as:

@If(ReturnReceipt = "" | ReturnReceipt = "0"; ""; "1")
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Last Modified on 12/06/2013

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