Notes/Domino Fix List
SPR # AKNX5HMR97Fixed in 6.5.5; 7.0.1 release

Product Area: Client Technical Area: Embedded Applications Platform: Win XP

Lotus Customer Support APAR: LO00993

SPR# AKNX5HMR97 - Error: "One or more of the source document's attachments are missing. Run fixup to delete the document in the source database. Error found attempting to quit." was displayed when attempting to save a new document. The issue can be avoided by disabling Field Exchange (FX) for the relative Form design. A new INI parameter is introduced in 6.5.5 and 7.0.1 which allows you to disable the client Field Exchange functionality: OLEDisableFX=1

Technote Number: 1095532

This issue was reported to Quality Engineering and was thought to be addressed
in Notes 6.0 and indirectly fixed in Notes release 5.0.11. However, it appears
to have been only partially addressed in Notes 5.0.11 and 6.0, and has now been
found to continue to occur when embedding Microsoft OLE objects. For example,
the following steps recreate the issue with Microsoft Excel objects but not
Lotus 1-2-3 objects:

1. Attach a document other than an Excel file.
2. Embed a new Excel object.
3. Type some text into the Excel worksheet.
4. Switch back to Notes and save the document.

Note: The issue can also be recreated when embedding objects from file, but
the steps to recreate will additionally require updating and saving the object
prior to switching back to Notes and saving the document.

The variant of the issue described above was reported to Quality Engineering in
SPR# AKNX5HMR97. In Notes Domino 6.5.5 and 7.0.1, an additional client
notes.ini parameter has been introduced to allow you to disable Field Exchange
(FX) on the client completely. The parameter is OLEDisableFX=1.

Excerpt from the Lotus Domino Release 6.5.4 Fix Pack 2 and 6.5.5 fix list
(available at

Embedded Applications
SPR# AKNX5HMR97 - Error: "One or more of the source document's attachments are
missing. Run fixup to delete the document in the source database. Error found
attempting to quit." was displayed when attempting to save a new document. The
issue can be avoided by disabling Field Exchange (FX) for the relative Form
design. A new INI parameter is introduced in 6.5.5 and 7.0.1 which allows you
to disable the client Field Exchange functionality: OLEDisableFX=1

Completely disabling the OLE Field Exchange functionality may not be
appropriate for you if the feature is used in some database applications.

One alternative to disabling Field Exchange completely is to simply disable it
for the specific forms where it is not needed. The Form Property "Disable
Field Exchange" is found on the first tab of the properties (accessed from the
Designer client with the relative form design opened).

If Field Exchange is necessary in the relative form then the only alternative
workaround is to save and close the document after attaching the desired
file(s), and then re-open the document and embed the desired OLE object(s).

NOTE: If there are any issues in saving updates to the OLE object, avoid using
In-Place Editing (double-clicking) on the object and instead right-click on the
object and select Open to open the object within a full window of the native
application. After updating the object, select the File, Close and Return menu

Supporting Information:
Note that there are additional circumstances in which the same error message is
observed. For further information, refer to the document titled "One or More
of Source Documents Attachments Are Missing..." when Two Users Access Same
Attachment" (# 1101560).
More >

Last Modified on 12/04/2013

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