Notes/Domino Fix List
SPR # KYOE6FMAPHFixed in 6.5.5 releaseRegression in 6.5.4

Product Area: Client Technical Area: Mail Client Platform: Cross Platform

Lotus Customer Support APAR: LO09913

SPR# KYOE6FMAPH - Performance improvement when new rules are created or existing ones are being edited. This regression was introduced in 6.5.4.

Technote Number: 1216891

Deleted/disabled rule still executing
This issue was reported to Quality Engineering as SPR# MGAN6GLT7L. There are no
plans to address this issue.

1. Switch to the Calendar view.
2. Click Configure to enable the MiniView rule.
3. Switch back to the Mail view and into the Rules folder.
4. Create a temporary enabled rule and click OK.
5. Delete the dummy rule.
6. Close and reopen the database.

Once you complete these steps, the issue cannot reoccur.

Administrators may choose to revise the mail template so the issue is avoided.
In the Rules script library, revise the CompactMailRules function to allow
removal of the $FilterFormula_0 entry (in cases where the Calendar and
Scheduling Miniview rule is not enabled).

Original code (line 30 in the 6.5.4/6.0.5 design, may vary in later 6.5x
If Not ( Lcase( Left(,16 ) ) = "$filterformula_0" ) Then

Revised code:
NOTE: The code below shold be entered as a single line with no carriage return:
If Not (Lcase(Left(,16))="$filterformula_0" And
Calprofile.getitemvalue("Use_CalendarRule")(0) = "1") Then

Enabled rules not executing
The revised rule numbering functionality introduced in the Notes/Domino
6.5.4/6.0.5 mail templates has a minor flaw. This flaw causes the unexpected
value in the OrderNum field, as well as in the $FilterFormula_n field written
to the Calendar Profile. This can result in the last enabled rule to internally
overwrite the second to last enabled rule, and thus the second to last rule is
not present to execute. This can also result in an edited rule not executing -
this case only occurs when there is only a single rule present.

NOTE: This issue does not exist in the DWA iNotes template.

This issue was reported as a regression to Quality Engineering as SPR#
KYOE6FMAPH. This issue has been indirectly fixed in the mail templates that
ship with Notes/Domino 6.5.5.


In order to repair the current rules:
Disable all rules and then re-enable them from bottom to top.

To avoid this issue in the future:
You can make modifications within the database and/or mail template's Rules
script library.

1. In the CompactMailRules subroutine, one line must be modified:

Locate this section of code:
'//Reset counter
nTotalEnableRules = 1

Revise the second line as follows:
nTotalEnableRules = 0

2. In the ButtonOKClient, ButtonOKWeb, and ButtonOKQuick subroutines, make the
following two modifications:

Locate this section of code:
If note.isnewnote Then '// Creating a new rule
nRuleNum = Cstr(nTotalRuleNumber)

Revise the second line to the following:
nRuleNum = Cstr(nTotalRuleNumber+1)

Locate this section of code:
'// $FilterFormulaCount is the total number of rules in the rules folder + 1
If nstate = 1 Or nstate= 2Then ' special cases where we must increment the
$FilterFormulaCount by 1
If Not (profile.hasitem("$FilterFormulaCount")) Then
'// $FilterFormulaCount is the total number of rules in the db + 1
Call profile.replaceitemvalue("$FilterFormulaCount","2")
Call profile.replaceitemvalue("$FilterFormulaCount", Cstr(nTotalRuleNumber + 1
End If
End If

Revise the relative line from the code as below:
Call profile.replaceitemvalue("$FilterFormulaCount", Cstr(nTotalRuleNumber +
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Last Modified on 12/08/2013

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