Notes/Domino Fix List
SPR # CSMH65WPRXFixed in 6.0.5 releaseRegression in 6.5.3

Product Area: Client; Server Technical Area: Directory Services Platform: Cross Platform

Lotus Customer Support APAR: LO06642

SPR# CSMH65WPRX - The Ambiguous Names dialog box did not display suggested names when using the offline Directory Catalog. This fix is addressed in the Client and Server code, depending on where the search is being done. Searching for names that were sorted by last name require a full text search in order to find the users. So, for example, in Off-line directory catalogs, when you hit F9, your search is performed on the client, because your dircat is local. If the Directory Catalog is located on the server, then the fix is on the server side because the searching will be issued against the server.
This problem was a regression introduced in 6.5.3 and has been fixed in 6.0.5 and 6.5.4.

Technote Number: 1188776

This issue was reported to Quality Engineering and has been addressed in
Notes/Domino 6.0.5 and 6.5.4.

Excerpt from the Lotus Notes and Domino Release 6.0.5 / 6.5.4 MR fix list
(available at
Directory Services
SPR# CSMH65WPRX - The Ambiguous Names dialog box did not display suggested
names when using the offline Directory Catalog. This fix is addressed in the
Client and Server code, depending on where the search is being done. Searching
for names that were sorted by last name require a full text search in order to
find the users. So, for example, in Off-line directory catalogs, when you hit
F9, your search is performed on the client, because your dircat is local. If
the Directory Catalog is located on the server, then the fix is on the server
side because the searching will be issued against the server.
This problem was a regression introduced in 6.5.3 and has been fixed in 6.0.5
and 6.5.4.


Add another Directory Catalog that is sorted by Distinguished Name (First Name)
to the local configuration (e.g., names=names, lndircat, fndircat). This will
also provide for First and Last Name addressing.


When the "No Match" dialog appears, click the CANCEL button or press the ESC
key. When actually sending the mail, click on "Send Anyway".

Supporting Information:
This issue can also affect Notes users who have a LAN connection and use the
server-based Directory Catalog for name resolution and addressing. There is
also an additional symptom of the @Domain not being appended to the recipient's
name, which can result in a message delivery failure.
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Last Modified on 12/04/2013

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