Notes/Domino Fix List
SPR # ALSR7G4M7FFixed in 8.5.1 releaseTemplate fix: Mail8.ntf
Regression in 8.0.1

Product Area: Client Technical Area: Calendaring & Scheduling Platform: Cross Platform

Lotus Customer Support APAR: LO31137

SPR# ALSR7G4M7F - We had a translation error in our French mail template.

Mail8.ntf contains incorrect wording in the meeting invitation :
When a meeting is created, the document received by the invitees contains incorrect French translation :
"<inviter> a invite vous à une réunion"

where it should be :
"<inviter> vous a invité à une réunion"

This is now fixed.

There is no Lotus Support Services technote associated with this SPR right now. Please check again later.

Last Modified on 12/04/2013

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