Notes/Domino Fix List
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SPR # BKOH5X4EKC | Fixed in 6.0.5 release | Regression in 6.0.3 |
Product Area: Designer Technical Area: COM Platform: Cross Platform
SPR# BKOH5X4EKC - Some Microsoft Visual Basic language applications built using the Notes' 5.x COM interfaces for backend classes would not run properly without recompiling using the 6.03/6.5 domobj type library. This is now fixed, however, the fix necessitates that applications currently compiled with the Notes/Domino 6.03/6.5 (or intervening) domobj type library be recompiled for 6.05/6.53. Thereafter and with subsequent Notes/Domino releases, recompilation should not be necessary. This regression was introduced in 6.0.3.
Technote Number: 1197582
This issue was reported to Quality Engineering and has been addressed in
Notes/Domino 6.5.3.
Excerpt from the Lotus Notes and Domino Release 6.5.3 MR fix list (available at
SPR# BKOH5X4EKC - "Some Microsoft Visual Basic language applications built
using the Notes' 5.x COM interfaces for backend classes would not run properly
without recompiling using the 6.03/6.5 domobj type library. This is now fixed,
however, the fix necessitates that applications currently compiled with the
Notes/Domino 6.03/6.5 (or intervening) domobj type library be recompiled for
6.05/6.53. Thereafter and with subsequent Notes/Domino releases, recompilation
should not be necessary. This regression was introduced in 6.0.3." More >
Last Modified on 12/04/2013
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