Notes/Domino Fix List
SPR # TFOT48BKM5Fixed in 5.0a; 5.0.1 release

Product Area: Server Technical Area: SMTP/MIME Platform: AS/400

SPR# TFOT48BKM5 - Fixed a problem where MSF version of SMTP creates files in the Notes data directory with graphic characters.

Technote Number: 1088014

This issue was reported to Lotus Quality Engineering and has been addressed in
Domino for AS/400 release 5.0a.

Excerpt from the AS/400-Specific Lotus Notes & Lotus Domino Release 5.0a
Quarterly Maintenance Update (QMU) fix list:

SPR # TFOT48BKM5 Fixed a problem where MSF version of SMTP creates files in the Notes data
directory with graphic characters.

These files do not affect Domino server operation but do take up DASD space. A
fix for this problem is provided in QMU 5.0a. Applying the QMU prevents
additional erroneous files from being created, but does not delete the existing
ones. Development has created a special program, called DIRCLEAN, that removes
all erroneous files from the Domino server data directory, thus freeing up the
DASD space.

Use the following URL to download the DIRCLEAN program:

After applying the new QMU (5.0a) do the following:

From the AS/400 command line, type:

CALL DIRCLEAN 'the Notes Data directory with the bad files' and press ENTER.

As an example, you have a system called RCHAS20D with a server name of SMTP1.
You use the name '/SMTP1/NOTES/DATA' as the Data directory for the server.
From the AS/400 command line, type CALL DIRCLEAN '/SMTP1/NOTES/DATA' and press
ENTER. The directory will be cleaned of the bad files.

Note: The DIRCLEAN program may run for a long period of time if the Data
directory has many bad files.Supporting Information:

Related Documents:

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important notice
A fix for this SPR has been developed but is currently undergoing testing. IBM reserves the right to remove this fix from the targeted release if it does not pass quality assurance tests. Please consider this information to be provisional. Do not base irreversible business decisions on this information until this notice has been removed.
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Last Modified on 04/03/2001

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