Notes/Domino Fix List
SPR # LFOS4FL2WMFixed in 5.0.2c; 5.0.3 releaseTemplate fix
Security fix
Regression in 5.0.2

Product Area: Technical Area: Template - Mailfile Platform: Cross Platform

SPR# LFOS4FL2WM, HNIO4FPCNG - Fix a problem introduced in R5.0.2b with Calendar entries which were marked Private being available to authorized Readers of the Calendar info.

Technote Number: 1096070

This issue was addressed in Notes/Domino 5.0.2c and Notes/Domino 5.0.3. This
issue does not occur in Notes/Domino 6.0.

Excerpt from the Lotus Notes and Lotus Domino Release 5.0.2c QMU and 5.0.3 QMR
fix lists:

Template - Mailfile

+SPR# LFOS4FL2WM, HNIO4FPCNG - Fix a problem introduced in R5.0.2b with
Calendar entries which were marked Private being available to authorized
Readers of the Calendar info. [5.0.2c,5.0.3]
This problem does not occur with Calendar entries created with earlier versions
of the mail template. Only Calendar entries created using the 5.0.2b template
which include the $PrivateAccess field= "1" are visible even if you use a Notes
Client prior to 5.0.2b. Replacing the mail template with a template prior to
5.0.2b does not fix the "broken" documents (with the $PrivateAccess field) but
it does fix new Calendar entry documents. To fix the "broken" documents,
create an agent which deletes the $PrivateAccess field from the Calendar
entries created using the 5.0.2b template. Once you fix these Calendar
entries, replace the design of the mail template with a version prior to
5.0.2b.Supporting Information:

The following sample script will allow customers to fix existing Calendar
entries after upgrade without having to toggle the 'Mark Entry as Private'
switch on each private entry.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The following is a sample script, provided only to a
illustrate a way you can approach this functionality. Notes Support does not
support this script and will not be able to customize it for a customer's
specific configuration.

Sub Initialize
Dim s As New notessession
Dim db As notesdatabase
Dim doc As notesdocument
Dim dc As notesdocumentcollection
Dim item As notesitem

Set db = s.currentdatabase
Set dc = db.processeddocuments
Set doc = dc.getfirstdocument
While Not (doc Is Nothing)
If doc.hasitem("orgconfidential","1")Then
Set item=doc.replaceitemvalue("publicaccess","")
End If
Set doc= dc.getnextdocument (doc)

End Sub
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Last Modified on 05/20/2002

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