Notes/Domino Fix List
SPR # CQUNAF32NQFixed in 11/03/2016 release

Product Area: SmartCloud Notes Technical Area: Mail Platform: Cross Platform

SPR# CQUNAF32NQ -The following Traveler issues have been fixed in this release:

LO89954 Emails sent and added to a folder, are synced in the folder versus the sent folder.
LO90109 Domino lib updates.
LO90143 EAS devices syncing multiple folders in a single sync may miss some entries.
LO90183 Android device sync hung retrieving certain truncated mail bodies when multiple mails are retrieved in the same sync.
LO90224 Traveler Server not sending updates for ghosting when delegating meetings.
LO90368 Allow Corporate Name Lookup duplicate resolution to be case insensitive.
LO90390 FileSize mismatch when streaming attachment data.
LO90401 Improve performance when synching Contacts.
LO90406 Bad conversion of response text in remote tell commands - convert toString from UTF-8.
LO90443 iOS 10 Device Wipe no longer supported.
LO90578 Improve private subfolder processing.
LO90597 Maintain Resource field when modifying events from client
LO90605 Warning message "Sync exception being treated as a backend failure" on NumberFormatException: For input string.
LO90624 Return Receipts generated by Traveler display incorrectly after disclaimer is added.

There is no Lotus Support Services technote associated with this SPR right now. Please check again later.

Last Modified on 11/03/2016

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