Notes/Domino Fix List
SPR # BSPR67HN6WFixed in 7.0.2 release

Product Area: Server Technical Area: Replication Platform: Cross Platform

Lotus Customer Support APAR: LO08171

SPR# BSPR67HN6W - Using a server based, Notes.ini variable (ADMINP_EXCHANGE_ALL_UNREAD_MARKS = 1), this fix will allow the exchange of unread marks when the Administration Process based replication is used to create and populate a replica between servers. Please note that the amount of time to perform the initial replication by the administration process will increase due to the additional work required to exchange all the unread marks.

Technote Number: 1603103

This issue was reported to Quality Engineering and has been fixed in Lotus
Notes® 6.5.6 and 7.0.2.

Excerpt from the Lotus Notes and Domino® Release 7.0.2 MR fix list (available

SPR# BSPR67HN6W - Using a server based, Notes.ini variable
(ADMINP_EXCHANGE_ALL_UNREAD_MARKS = 1), this fix will allow the exchange of
unread marks when the Administration Process based replication is used to
create and populate a replica between servers. Please note that the amount of
time to perform the initial replication by the administration process will
increase due to the additional work required to exchange all the unread marks.

Refer to the Upgrade Central site for details on upgrading Domino.
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Last Modified on 04/04/2014

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