Notes/Domino Fix List
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SPR # SJPL6C5NS9 | Fixed in 6.5.5 release | Regression in 6.5.3 |

Product Area: IBM Lotus iNotes Technical Area: Attachments Platform: Cross Platform
Lotus Customer Support APAR: LO08047

SPR# SJPL6C5NS9 - Attachments from one message are being sent in a second message if spell check is invoked. This regression was introduced in 6.5.3.

Technote Number: 1206448

DWA 6.5.x
This issue was reported to Quality Engineering as SPR# SJPL6C5NS9 and
SJPL6C5SM5. An updated DWA 6.5.3 performance hotfix and a hotfix for DWA 6.5.4
are available. The issue has been fixed also in DWA 6.5.5 and above.
A temporary workaround is to disable the "Reuse Child Windows" option in the
DWA Preferences (select Preferences at the top right of the DWA program, select
the "Other" panel, and deselect/uncheck the "Reuse Child Windows" checkbox.
DWA 7.x
This issue can occur in DWA 7.0 - 7.0.2 if the IE7 browser is being used and
any of the following are true:
- "Reuse Child Windows" option is enabled in DWA Preferences
- "Reuse Child Windows" option on the Domino Web Access tab of the Server
Configuration document is enabled.
If disabling "Reuse Child Windows" in either/both location above does not work,
you can also try to disable the IE preference, native XMLHttpRequest object.
For more information on DWA and IE7, refer to Technote "DWA compatibility with
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7" (#1245949).
Supporting Information:
Steps to reproduce problem:
1. In your Microsoft Internet Explorer browser (with ActiveX enabled), log in
to your Domino mail file via DWA.
2. Select 'Preferences' in the DWA action bar in the top right, and select the
"Reuse Child Windows" checkbox. Select OK to save the change.
3. Create a new message and give it a subject, such as "Test 1".
4. Attach a file to this message (any type of file will work).
5. Send the message to yourself or another user. Note: The Test 1 message will
appear in the Sent folder, as expected.
6. Create another message (note here that the message window is being
"reused"), and add "Test 2" as the subject.
7. Type in some text and invoke the spell checker by pressing the Spell Check
button (you do not have to replace any misspellings - you just have to invoke
the spell checker).
8. Send the second message, to yourself or another user.
9. Go to your Inbox and you will see that the second message has the file
attachment from the first message included in it.
10. Go to your Sent folder. Notice that the Test 1 is not in the Sent folder
because Test 2 replaced it. Also, all subsequent messages will continue to
replace the previous one as long as you continue to reuse the same window (so,
sending Test 3 replaces Test 2, then sending Test 4 replaces Test 3, etc.). More >

Last Modified on 12/10/2013
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