Notes/Domino Fix List
SPR # JLLE6PGQ8MFixed in 7.0.2 release

Product Area: Client Technical Area: Access for SAP Solutions Platform: Cross Platform

SPR# JLLE6PGQ8M - After refreshing, a workitem in a completed state could not be deleted from a user's mail file.

Technote Number: 1238008

This issue was reported to Quality Engineering as SPR# JLLE6PGQ8M and was
addressed in 7.0.2.

Refer to the Upgrade Central site for details on upgrading Notes/Domino.

Supporting Information:
This problem results from the fact that an "update workitems in Notes from SAP"
option exists in the code, but is not exposed in the UI.

The current default state for this option is "no".

Workaround for previous versions:
When a workitem is completed, manually delete it from the view to get rid of
it; it will not be deleted automatically on refresh from SAP.
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Last Modified on 10/19/2006

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