Notes/Domino Fix List
SPR # SIWA5LP3CRFixed in 6.0.3; 6.0.2 CF2; 6.0.1 CF3 releaseRegression in 6.0.1

Product Area: Designer; R5/R6 Interoperability Technical Area: @functions Platform: Cross Platform

SPR# SIWA5LP3CR - When using @Error in an expression, the error "Formula Error: @ERROR used in an expression" is returned. The behavior of @Error wiill return to the R4/R5 behavior where @Error is returned. This problem was introduced in 6.0.1 and fixed in 6.0.3, 6.0.2 CF2, and 6.0.1 CF3.

Technote Number: 1116464

This issue has been reported to Lotus Software Quality Engineering and has been
resolved in Notes 6.0.1 CF3 Client and Notes 6.0.2 CF2 Client.

Excerpt from the Lotus Notes and Domino Release 6.0.1 CF3 and 6.0.2 CF2 MR fix
lists (available at

SPR# SIWA5LP3CR - When using @Error in an expression, the error "Formula Error:
@ERROR used in an expression" is returned. The behavior of @Error will return
to the R4/R5 behavior where @Error is returned. This problem was introduced in

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Last Modified on 03/03/2010

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