Notes/Domino Fix List
SPR # JGON5JWTY3Fixed in 6.0.2 releaseRegression in 6.0

Product Area: Client Technical Area: Design Platform: Cross Platform

SPR# JGON5JWTY3 - @Command([FilePrint)] ignores pagebreak, fromPage, and toPage parameters. This problem was introduced in 6.0 and fixed in 6.0.2.

Technote Number: 1105025

The issue has been reported to Lotus Software Quality Engineering in two
separate Software Problem Reports:

- SPR# BHIR5JX3BK represents the issue with the LotusScript method.
- SPR# VMAA5JXQ7R represents the issue with the @Command FilePrint Formula

If you need a page break between pages the only alternative is to manually add
the page break where desired (by placing your cursor in the desired location
and selecting Create, Page Break) and print using the File, Print command in
the Notes Client UI.

Additional Information:
In Notes R5 the documentation for the LotusScript Print method refers to the
Pageseparator parameter as "Pagebreak".

In Notes R5 the Pagebreak / Breaktype parameter is ignored in cases when
individual documents were greater than one page length.

In Notes R5 the documentation for the Print method does not reflect what the
options for the Pagebreak parameter are. This problem has been corrected in
the Notes/Domino 6.0 documentation. The parameter documentation now reads as

Integer. Optional. Determines page separator.
0 - No page separator
1 - Line between documents
2 - Page break between documents

Related Documents:

What are the PageSeparator Parameter Values for the NotesUIView Classes Print
Document #: 1094957 (187722)
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Last Modified on 05/18/2007

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