Notes/Domino Fix List
SPR # DMLI6PNGY9Fixed in 7.0.2 release

Product Area: Client Technical Area: Access for SAP Solutions Platform: Cross Platform

SPR# DMLI6PNGY9 - After clicking the "Update from SAP" button, the company name field was not updated.

Technote Number: 1238063

This issue was reported to Quality Engineering as SPR# DMLI6PNGY9 and was fixed
in 7.0.2.

Refer to the Upgrade Central site for details on upgrading Notes/Domino.

Workaround for prior versions:
If you cut the value of other fields, for example, Office phone or Street, then
click 'Update from SAP', the value will be back. This does not work for several
other editable fields such as Cell phone,Other mail, or Pager.
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Last Modified on 10/18/2006

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