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Notes.ini settingReleaseSorted descending, can be sorted ascendingSPR NumberCan be sorted ascending or descendingDescription
CSFlatteningDisabled=1 to disable this optimization9.0.1 FP9BKANA9CVLFRecent improvments to the compatibilty mode in Notes result in a large number of responses being sent back to a non-Notes chair. Depending on the...
EnableUnicodeCopyPasteFromWord=19.0.1 FP9GTONAGLGBTFixed an issue where pasting Cyrillic characters from Microsoft Word into Notes gives garbled characters (INI needs to be set to enable this fix =...
MAIL_CHECK_META_DUPS=19.0.1 FP9TSAOAAGJ7RFixed an issue where the Group Name is removed when receiving an email
SMTPDisplayHostName & SMTPDisplayDomainName9.0.1 FP9SAZR8MKH9QAdd the ability to control SMTP the visible host name (EHLO param, greeting response, Received headers and Reporting-MTA in DSNs...) by these 2...
AMGRMaxQueue= {100 to 255}9.0.1 FP9RSTNA4SL7CEnhancement Request To Be Able To Increase The Amgr Queue Beyond 100
HTTP_SSO_TOKEN_VALIDATION_TIMEOUT9.0.1 FP9HOKA93B7DAAble to configure the timeout of single-sign-on (SSO) user cache tokens via a notes.ini. The default is 30 mintues. The notes.ini is...
ICAL_UseOldSequencingLogic can be used to disable the new mechanism and restore the original sequencing mechanism.9.0.1 FP8CSYL9VBRVEiCalendar and Notes have different message sequencing mechanisms. The current mapping mechanism does not work consistently in many scenarios. In...
$OnPremiseNABServerForHolidays9.0.1 FP8GKLA9YEQYDFix an issue where Smartcloud users were unable to import holidays from an on premise server.
MIMEDisclaimersNoEncode9.0.1 FP8SAHEACYAS2Fix an issue where there are multiple meeting headers when a meeting invitation is sent to Gmail. Note: this change is enabled by default. Use the...
DEBUG_SUPPRESS_CERT_VERIFY_WARNING9.0.1 FP8GFALABDNFQFix an error message about O and OU certifiers appearing in a user's local log.nsf after a user key rollover. Enable using client notes.ini variable...
MAX_INETTASK_POOL_MB9.0.1 FP8WWHG9JTNMFAdded new notes.ini variable MAX_INETTASK_POOL_MB which when set gives you the ability to increase poolsize for inettask pool from previous...
DominoUseRFC3986Encoding=1 9.0.1 FP8MKIN98UT2YFixed an issue where IE would display a warning inappropriately.
RouterContinueOnPerMessageError9.0.1 FP8TPONACXBSHFixed an issue where an SMTP response of "452 4.2.2 Mailbox Full" prevents delivery of other mails. The fix is to provide a capability with a...
HTTPScrubCookies9.0.1 FP8YDEN95BDY5Enhancement Request: Provide a notes.ini (HTTPScrubCookies=1) that will obfuscate with asterisks cookie values (not cookie names) when logging to any...
iNotes_WA_DisableBusytimeForPrivateEntries (The default value is 1)9.0.1 FP7GKLAA9ZJHZFixed an issue with delegated calendars and private views being shown.
inotes_wa_effpolicyfix9.0.1 FP7SDOYA5WJ3GFixed an iNotes policy issue where the it is picking up the wrong customized Forms File.
MIME_EncodedAttachmentReadSkip9.0.1 FP7QQZZA5H9V2Fixed a client performance issue when opening an email with attachments. New notes.ini: MIME_EncodedAttachmentReadSkip=1 in notes.ini. This...
PREFER_AES9.0.1 FP7DKENAAHSTKFix to continue using the client due to error "Network Session Table is full."
USE_NABWEBLOOKUPVIEW_LDAP=19.0.1 FP6CTSI97HPKZWhen using the NABWebLookupView notes.ini parameter to specify a custom view for web authentication, remote LDAP queries will not run because the...
HTTPAdditionalRespHeader=<text> Example: HTTPAdditionalRespHeader=Cache-control: no-cache9.0.1 FP6MKIN9WMUYHThis fix allows a user to add a custom response header in the web server by setting notes.ini: HTTPAdditionalRespHeader=<text>; Example:...
CHECK_EXPIRED_SOFT_DELETES_ON_DBOPEN=19.0.1 FP6HYYH9DF5GRFixes situation where emails in trash are not removed even if "Permanently delete documents after X hours" is set. This fix introduced a new...
DOMINO_ALLOW_BR_IN_LIST=19.0.1 FP5MCMA8ZFMUCFixed an issue where blank lines inside a ordered list would throw off the numbers in the list. To enable this fix, set the notes.ini...
"UseWindowsFontSubstituteFontList=font A9.0.1 FP5CSMH9QHKNFFixes issue where the incorrect font is used after installing additional True Type fonts in Notes 9. The fix requires the new notes.ini variable...
MAX_NSFPOOL_SIZE_MB9.0.1 FP5RMAS9GATPKThe maximum NSF Pool size is hard coded by default. This fix introduces a new INI parameter to set the maximum size of the NSF Pool at runtime. Add...
REPL_SCN_SUPPORT_CALENDAR_DELEGATION=19.0.1 FP5BSPR9VNQ2CFix is added to resolved the issue :
1. Resolved the authorization issue on replication page for delegated users with Calendar only delegation.
REPL_SCN_SUPPORT_CALENDAR_DELEGATION=19.0.1 FP5PSIH9Z9EDJFix is added to resolved the following issues :
1. "Create Replica" issues for delegated users with Calendar only delegation access on SCN.
DSTLAWTIME9.0.1 FP4JRED8DVKSUFixes issue where Domino's time will be wrong when DST is set to take place at a time other than 2am. If the DST change occurs at 11:59:59pm, DST...
SSL_DISABLE_TLS_10 9.0.1 FP4KLYH9UFNWHNew notes.ini SSL_DISABLE_TLS_10 to support Disabling TLS1.0 for compliance reasons. Used in conjunction with existing DISABLE_SSLV3=1 allows you to...
CSRemoveIcalTopicHeader9.0.1 FP4IFAY9T6L5UWhen sending calendar notices as iCal/Mime messages, the subject header of the MIME message will typically start with the word "Invitation:" or...
iCalDisableCommentsInDescription9.0.1 FP4JKEY9T2L87Some non-Notes iCalendar clients do not support the COMMENTS property (e.g. Outlook). So any comments that the Notes chair sends on a notice or...

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