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OpenSocial Widgets need to be created and trusted before they will render in the Notes and iNotes clients. Trust is also needed before Embedded Experiences will render, whether the Embedded Experience is rendering an OpenSocial gadget or a simple URL.
For more information on Widgets in the Notes client, see
Widgets and Live Text 9.0 or
Widgets and Live Text 9.0.1.
Creating OpenSocial Widgets
To learn how to create OpenSocial Widgets in the Notes client, see
Creating OpenSocial widgets 9.0 or
Creating OpenSocial widgets 9.0.1.
Approving a Widget in the Widget Catalog
To learn more about the initial approval process, see
Approving a widget created from an OpenSocial gadget 9.0 or
Approving a widget created from an OpenSocial gadget 9.0.1Importing a Widget into the Widget Catalog
The standard approval process requires the Widget Catalog administrator to fill out OAuth and proxy information when a Widget is approved. This process can be simplified by using the "Import" functionality, in which configuration files containing pre-configured OAuth and proxy data are imported. For more information, see the "Import" section of
Widget catalog options and access 9.0 or
Widget catalog options and access 9.0.1.
Viewing Approval Status in the Widget Catalog
The 9.0 version of the Widget Catalog template includes a new "All Widgets by Approval" view that can be used by an administrator to quickly see the approval status of his or her Widgets.
Widget Approval Process Diagram
Upon approval, the “PushToCredStore” agent writes data to the credential store. Notes client local replicas of the Widget Catalog need to be updated to get the new widget approvals and ancillary data.
IMPORTANT: Data in the Widget Catalog and the Credential Store is only read periodically (every hour, by default). Thus, the data needed to render a newly approved Widget may not be immediately available. For more information see
Gadget Data Flow
IMPORTANT: The Mail Server must be listed as a "Trusted Server" in the "Security" tab of the server document for the Domino Server with Shindig for the PushToCredStore agent to successfully write data to the credential store. See
Widget Catalog server must be trusted by the Domino Server with Shindig for more information.
More information on Administering OpenSocial Widgets
For more information on administering OpenSocial Widgets in general, see
Widgets created from an OpenSocial gadget 9.0 or
Widgets created from an OpenSocial gadget 9.0.1 and its sub-topics.
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