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These are the customization updates for iNotes in 8.5.2.
Extension Forms File improvements
The individual design elements in Extension Forms File are now set to not inherit design changes. So the database itself can have Inherit Design turned on and will pick up any new forms that are added in future maintenance releases.
Database cache clearing has been improved. Deployment or removal of the extension forms file should not require users clear their browser cache.
New customization subforms
Custom_xxx_Dictionary subforms - These new custom dictionary subforms have been added to each main area form (Mail, Calendar, ToDo, etc.) to allow easier inclusion of new NotesFields and NotesVars.
Custom_LazyLoad_Subforms - allows adding customization code to lazy load table.
Custom_Logout - allows adding customization code to be run on logout
Custom_About - Allows display of the forms file version and a user-specified file version number. The version numbers are displayed in the iNotes console log when iNotes starts up.
Information about how to use these new subforms are in the subforms themselves.
Agent improvements
Prior to 8.5.2, agents needed to be stored in the user's mail file or the main Forms file. Now, agents can also be stored in the Extension Forms File. See
this article for more information.
$$QuerySaveAgent and $$QueryOpenAgent agents can also now be stored in the Extension Forms File. The code now checks for the agents in the following order:
- User mail file
- Extension Forms file
- Main forms file
Note that starting in 8.5.2, the Full mode Mail edit form uses the "lite" architecture. So to customize it, you should use the Custom_JS_Lite subform instead of the Custom_JS subform.
The following two problems that occurred in 8.5.1 were fixed in 8.5.1 Fix Pack 1 and 8.5.2.
Custom_CSS - Any styles inserted into the Custom_CSS subform would only override styles in StyleSheet. But they would not override the styles in other stylesheets like StyleSheetDocuments. and StyleSheetView.. Now the Custom_CSS styles will also override styles in the all of the stylesheets.
dwa.properites - Can now be inserted into the Extension Forms file. Any properties in this file will override properties in the file in the main Forms file. Previously, any changes had to be made directly in the file in the main Forms file.