~Tanita Bubazenikle commented on Jan 13, 2012

Re: Inserting text at the beginning of a NotesRichTextItem

check formatting

~Sean Minjipygengon commented on Mar 21, 2011

Re: Inserting text at the beginning of a NotesRichTextItem

Thank you! I have text and a possible image (if the user adds one) that I needed to add to the top of an RTF field. I could get the text to go to the top using a BeginInsert script but it wouldn't copy my image. This is almost too simple and I'm a little mad at myself for not thinking of it. Too focused on what script was out there to do what I wanted. Thanks

~Hank Nonhipilygon commented on Mar 10, 2010

Inserting text at the beginning of a NotesRichTextItem

For more about pasting (here from Notes to Excel) s. http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/ddwiki.nsf/dx/How_to_Keep_the_Formatting_when_Copying_NotesRichtext_to_Excel

~Hank Nonhipilygon commented on Mar 10, 2010

Inserting text at the beginning of a NotesRichTextItem

the code above processed the document in the backend; for pasting something in the frontend... why not use ctrl-v / edit-paste?

~Wei Pretookonyakoi commented on Mar 5, 2010

Inserting text at the beginning of a NotesRichTextItem

and when I want to paste in somewhere where my cursor is located?