~Carol Ekgerolyader commented on Jan 2, 2014

Re: Exporting Data from a Notes Database(.nsf File) by Leveraging NotesSQL


~Tanita Bubazenikle commented on Jan 13, 2012

Re: Exporting Data from a Notes Database(.nsf File) by Leveraging NotesSQL

Needs formatting repaired or remove

~Lorraine Cisjipytexlen commented on Jun 17, 2011

Re: Exporting Data from a Notes Database(.nsf File) by Leveraging NotesSQL

So when the "Lotus Notes SQL Driver (*.nsf)" driver is NOT listed what hapens. I have installed the software, rebooted. "Lotus Notes SQL Driver (*.nsf)" Not listed so I uninstalled, rebooted, reinstalled, rebooted, still not there!

Instructions fail to be of use at the second point. :-)